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Planning Board Agenda 09/09/2010
Notice of Public Meeting
Thursday, September 9, 2010, 6:30 PM
Chichester Grange Hall


1. Business Meeting
        a. Call to Order
        b. Review/Approval of Minutes – August 5, 2010
        c. Zoning Board of Adjustment Review

2. Preliminary Conceptual Discussions
        a. Subdivision Amendment: Frank Merrill, Map 9 Lot 32 and Map 10 Lot 2, Healy Pasture Road.  Mr. Merrill is proposing the removal of the elderly restriction upon those lots along “Lottie Lane” Should the Planning Board invoke jurisdictional review, the applicant shall submit an application for a future meeting.

3. Other Business
        a. Zoning Amendment Review
        b. October 7, 2010 Agenda
        c. Planning Office Items
        d. Board Member Items
        e. Audience Items